Special solutions

In a world that is constantly evolving, tailored solutions are the key to success. At WEGER, we understand the unique challenges businesses face across various sectors. That’s why we are committed to developing innovative custom solutions that not only meet current demands but are also future-oriented.

With years of experience and a dedicated team of professionals, we provide bespoke solutions designed to meet your specific needs.

IKWK Heidelberg

Solution: Air cooler for energy generation
Products: 3 units of 500,000 m³/h each
Output: 1,500,000 m³/h of air
Technical details: 180 fans with 3.4 kW connection (total 612 kW), total cooling capacity of 2,790 kW (2.79 MW), unit dimensions: 28.2 x 9.5 x 5.4 m (WxLxH) => floor area of just under 268 m²
Area of application: Industry

© Heidelberg municipal utilities

Burbo Bank

Location: Liverpool Bay, GB
Solution: Supply and exhaust air system
Product: Ventilation unit
Output: 4,000 m3/h of air,
Technical details: halogen-free and fire-resistant cabling
Area of application: Marine & offshore

Mall of Switzerland

Location: Ebikon, Canton of Lucerne, CH
Solution: Ventilation and air conditioning
Products: 41 ventilation units
Output: 570,000m3/h air,
Energy recovery 2,850 kW
Technical details: 2 large units with dimensions of 
15.5 x 9.2 x 5 m, delivered by 17 trucks, 
assembled in 8 working days per large unit
Area of application: Shopping

St. Elisabethen-Klinikum

Location: Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg
Solution: Ventilation and air conditioning
Products: 11 ventilation units
Output: 293,000 m3/h air,
Energy recovery 640 kW
Technical details: 4 HPS units, internal and external coating in accordance with applicable hygiene guidelines
Certificates: VDI 6022 for hygiene requirements, DIN 1946-4 standard for healthcare buildings and rooms
Area of application: Nursing & healthcare facilities

ISH from 17. - 21. März